Minor Children of Widow entitled to Maintenance from In-Laws under Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act: Punjab and Haryana High Court

PARA 3. The 1956 Act is a beneficial legislation enacted in order to take care of the destitute daughter-in-law who, on account of unfortunate circumstances, becomes a widow. The word "widow" would include the minor grand children who are staying with their mother.


In the High Court of Punjab and Haryana,
at Chandigarh

Civil Revision No. 6031 of 2022 (O&M) 
Date of Decision: 22.12.2022

Hari Ram Hans
... Petitioner(s)

Smt. Deepali and Ors.

CORAM: Hon'ble Mr. Justice Anil Kshetarpal.

Mr. Abhimanyu Singh, Advocate for the petitioner(s).

Anil Kshetarpal, J.

1. The Family Court had directed the petitioner to pay the maintenance pendente lite @ 2,000/- each to his three grand children. This revision petition has been filed challenging the correctness of the aforesaid order.

2. The learned counsel representing the petitioner contends that Section 19 of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act, 1956 (hereinafter referred to as "the 1956 Act"), entitles the widow daughter-in-law to file an application, however, there is no provision for directing the petitioner to pay the maintenance to the grand children.

3. The 1956 Act is a beneficial legislation enacted in order to take care of the destitute daughter-in-law who, on account of unfortunate circumstances, becomes a widow. The word "widow" would include the minor grand children who are staying with their mother.

4.Keeping in view the aforesaid facts, no ground is made out to interfere with the impugned order. Hence, the present revision petition is dismissed.

5.The miscellaneous application(s) pending, if any, shall stand disposed of.

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